Wednesday 30 July 2008

So what will you swap me for..... this film poster

So I have decided what I am going to offer for trade.

I visited Cuba a couple of years ago and bought bought some posters from the Cuban film institute in Havanna. This is one of them, Its the poster for the 1975 film "cronica de la victoria" or chronicle of the victory I think. The film documents the cuban revolution. The poster is hand screen paint onto good quality paper and would frame up nice I'm sure.

So what will you offer me for it?

We all start somewhere....

Ive read a few blogs about people trading an object and seeing where it ends up.

The most famous example is 'one red paperclip', where kyle mcdonald traded a red paperclip for a house. I'm not expecting anything like that but it seems like a bit of crack.

Check it out here.

now what object should I start off with.....