Friday 24 July 2009

the trades are coming in!!!


So far in the past 24hrs ive been offered..
an SLR camera and a desktop PC.

Also I have been contacted and offered as a trade this handicraft made by a republican prisoner is long kesh (later Maze H blocks).

While its interesting is it swappable?

Wednesday 22 July 2009

One Year Later.....

A year later.....

Since I last posted, I passed first year of my law degree at university. I spent last summer building this house with my dad in Andalucia, we had the walls up in two weeks!.

I'm back there in August to put the roof and windows and doors in. In fact I'm taking the kitchen from my mums house in Belfast over to my dads in Liverpool on the ferry on monday. Then he'll be driving the kitchen to Spain!

I think we need to get things moving here... I feel a fast trade coming on before I go away august 3rd to play bob the builder :)

Ok so two czech field telephones will be going on gumtree.