Wednesday, 27 April 2011

what an offer!

So my dad I know has a 26ft westerly that may be surplus to requirements.

Mast/sails/engine runs and its GRP. However, its on hardstanding, in liverpool and the deck needs fixed, but he tells me its free, im sure the cabin needs work as well.

It'll maybe take us a week doing the deck in August, if we can time it with a few other boats being put in the water the crane may only be £250 and say £250 in materials to fix deck. I've not seen the boat yet, so I might see if I can nip over and get a look at it at some stage.

Almost your definitive 1970's cruiser.

First offer! aka "theres nothing as expensive as a free boat"

ok so got mailed regarding a massive 52ft barnett class former lifeboat in bangor. Now I am a little bit mental at the best of times but how class does this beast look.

"Hey there. This may be your lucky day. I have an ex-RNLI lifeboat that I would gladly donate to someone who wishes to revamp it. My intention was the same but circumstances have it that I cant do it now.

Norman B. Corlett is a bit larger than you asked at 13m but he is a beauty and would be free if you want him. See attached picture and get in touch if you are interested.



 Now I had a place I could put this monster even but I thought I best speak to a few men in the know first.

My dads short answer was "are you mad" to crane a boat of that size your talking something like £1500 either end and if you can float it between bangor and belfast another £2000 in transportation, so thats £4000-5000 before you have even touched it!

I spoke to a guy at my local sailing club who confirmed the situation and the kind of money I'd be talking to restore it. in short circa £40k.

My dad's line was for less than 5k you could have a nice boat, sails and ready to go! Also at 52ft a marina is a major problem as most marinas will only allow up to 40ft. So your in major problems here, lough neagh was my best bet but even then 40k is a bit much for a "free boat"

hopefully she'll make someone a great boat just not me.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Place to keep a boat.

Now, major problem with getting a boat is where to put the damn thing.

carrickfergus and bangor marina are pricey and if I get a resoration project I dont want to be spending a couple of thousand just to have a  boat out of water whilst i restore it. So been searching for somewhere that wouldnt be to expensive to store a boat and not mind the mess of restoration.

Found this place, beside the city airport - East Belfast Yacht Club.

 "East Belfast Yacht Club was founded by workers from the Belfast Shipyards in 1904, and has enjoyed both the high and the low years through its existence.  From the high points through the 1920s/30s/40s and '50s when the Club hosted many sailing races and entertained the owners and masters of the massive J-Class yachts down to the more plentiful and massively supported Belfast Lough one designs through to the Flying Fifteens and Dragons and others of the various periods"".

Memebership appears to be £80 a year plus £100 joining fee. so not too bad and they dont seem too sniffy about older boats or repair work.

Sounds very promising to me :) Gonna nip down and see them in the next few days when I get a chance.